Interested in studying at the Kinneret Academic College?

    Academic Staff

    • Dr. Tatiana Hatukai


    • Dr. Friedric Ilan


    • Sarah Bloom

      Adjunct Professor

      Areas of Expertise

      Assessment and Treatment of Problem Behavior

      Cultural and diversity and ABA

      Selected Courses

      Verbal Behavior

    • Doctor Ram Bouchnick

      Adjunct Lecturer, department of land of Israel Studied and archaeology, Kinneret College.

      Areas of Expertise

      Ethnicity and ancient culture through the archaeological lens.
      Expressions of religious injunctions (such as taboo) in ancient material culture.

      Selected Courses

      Introduction to Ecology
      Introduction to Archaezoology
      Natural Science and Archaeology
      Man and Desert

    • כץ חיה

      Dr. Hayah Katz

      Senior Lecturer

      Areas of Expertise

      Archaeology of Israel in the Iron Age
      Pottery analysis
      Economy and society of ancient Israel
      The history of Israeli archaeology

      Selected Courses

      Jerusalem – A City of Contradictions””
      History of the Land of Israle in Biblical Times – 1″”

    • גפני ראובן_

      Dr. Reuven Gafni

      Senior lecturer

      Areas of Expertise

      A Historian and Historical-Geographer, Dr. Gafni`s main areas of research include the urban, demographic and social development of Jerusalem in modern times; The design and development of the of the Jewish settlement map modern Eretz-Israel; The study of synagogues in Israel in the 20th century; And the connections between Judaism, nationalism and statehood in the Land of Israel and the State of Israel.

      Selected Courses

      1. Jerusalem from ancient times to the 21st century (A Regional Course)
      2. Sacred landscapes: Religion and cult in Eretz-Israel in modern times
      3. Synagogues in Eretz-Israel in the modern period: Religion, culture and nationalism
      4. Between Gaza and Peqi`in : The Jewish settlement map in Eretz-Israel in the 19th century
      5. The evolution of modern Jerusalem in the 19th century
      6. Religion and Nationalism in Eretz-Israel in the 20th century
      7. Sports In Eretz-Israel in the 20th century: Society, Culture, Nationalism

    • שלם דינה

      Dina Shalem

      Adjunct lecturer

      Areas of Expertise


    • Dr. Shapira Noa


      Areas of Expertise

      Multiculturalism, inter-group empathy, technology education, democracy education, Research Methods in Social Sciences – the qualitative approach

      Selected Courses

       School – Culture and Society””
      Life long learning””



    • ניתוח התנהגות - ד"ר סיגל תדהר-פז

      Dr. Tidhar-Paz Sigal


    • ניתוח התנהגות - ד"ר קרין שטרן

      Dr. Stern Karin

      Areas of Expertise

      Behavior analysis

      Acceptance and Commitment Training

      Relational Frame Theory

      Selected Courses

      ACT and RFT for Behavior Analysts

    • Ms. Rosenfeld Michal


      Areas of Expertise

      Graphics and education

      Selected Courses

      Photoshop & Illustrator
    • Mr. Shemesh Omer


      Areas of Expertise

      Journalism and PR

      Selected Courses

      Lecturer-Practitioner – Introduction to Mass Communication

    • Daskal Efrat

      Senior lecturer

      Areas of Expertise

      media law and policy, digital policy, ethics

      Selected Courses

      Communication Laws in Israel””

      “Quantitative Research Methods I”

    • Drori Oren

      Academic teaching

    • Dr. Shay Ronen

      Academic teaching

      Areas of Expertise



      Selected Courses



    • Freund-Feinstein Uzi

      Dr. Freund-Feinstein Uzi


      Areas of Expertise


      Selected Courses


    • ישראלי יחזקאל

      Prof. Israeli Yechzkel

      Professor, Head of the MA Program in Tourism and Hotel Management

      Areas of Expertise


      Selected Courses

      Operations Research Applications in Tourism

      Managing Tourism and Transportation in a Global Envirinment

      Data Analysis and Decision Making in Tourism and Hospitality

      Final Projsct in Tourism Strategic Managment

    • Zelikovich Dalia

      Academic teaching

    • כתר ערן

      Dr. Keter Eran

      Senior Lecturer

      Areas of Expertise

      School of Social Sciences and Humanities, Department of Tourism and Hotel Management

      Selected Courses


    • Doctor Itzkovich Yariv

      Head of the Human Resource Management Department

      Areas of Expertise

      School of Social Sciences and Humanities, Department of Human Resource Management

    • Dr. Alon Gelbman

      Prof. Gelbman Alon

      Head of the MA Program in Tourism and Hotel Management

      Areas of Expertise

      School of Social Sciences and Humanities, Department of Tourism and Hotel Management

      Selected Courses

      Tourism and Globalization (seminar)

      Final Project: Strategic Management in Tourism

    • Mr. Sichel Ido

      Academic Teaching

      Areas of Expertise

    • Ms. Najdi Tehila

      Academic Teaching

    • Ms. Zoabi Tagrid

      Academic Teaching

    • Ms. Damari Dana

      Academic Teaching

      Areas of Expertise

      Selected Courses

    • Ms. Atenas-Haelion Sara

      Ms. Atenas-Haelion Sara

      Academic Teaching

      Areas of Expertise

      Selected Courses

    • ד"ר יעל אורית מלמדת בתואר רב תחומי ובמכינה קדם אקדמית באקדמית כנרת

      Dr. Yael Orit

      Academic Teaching

    • Dr. Ben-Yair Yitzchak

      Academic Teaching

      Areas of Expertise

      Selected Courses

    • לוי יפעת

      Dr. Levi Yifat

      Sexual Harassment Prevention Commissioner

    • אברג'ל אליען_3536

      Dr. Abergel Elian

      Academic Teaching

    • Dr Hila Zaban

      Dr. Zaban Hila

      Senior Lecturer, Head of the Department of Tourism and Hotel Management

      Areas of Expertise


      Selected Courses



    • בוניאל-ניסים מירן

      Dr. Boniel-Nissim Meyran

      Academic Teaching, Senior Lecturer

      Areas of Expertise

      Selected Courses

    • ניתוח התנהגות - ד"ר

      Dr. Shiri Ayvazo

      Academic Teaching

      Areas of Expertise

      School of Social Sciences and Humanities, Behavioral Sciences Department

    • Prof. Luz Nimrod

      Prof. Luz Nimrod

      Head of Research Authority

      Areas of Expertise

      Selected Courses

    • Sybil Heilborn

      Prof. Sybil Heilborn

      Dean, School of Social Sciences and Humanities School of Social Sciences and Humanities

    • פרופסור עמוס רולידר

      Prof. Amos Rolider

      Dean of Students

      Areas of Expertise

      Applied Behavior Analysis

    • A Few Words from the Department Head

      Galia Riki

      Senior lecturer

      Areas of Expertise

      Corporate Social Responsibility
      Corporate Volunteering
      Elite Philanthropy

      Selected Courses

      Business Ethics””
      Introduction to Organizational Sociology””

    • Sybil Heilborn

      Professor Sibylle Heilbrunn

      Dean, School of Social Sciences and Humanities

      Areas of Expertise

      Organizational Sociology, Entrepreneurship in High-Tech Ecosystems, Entrepreneurship of Migrants and Minorities, Migration Studies

      Selected Courses

      Multiculturalism and Migration: Ethnic, National and Gender Issues

      Social Cohesion in Heterogenic Societies.

      Entrepreneurship and Small Businesses: Economic, Business and Social Aspects

    • נועה שפירא

      Dr. Noa Shapira

      Areas of Expertise

      Multiculturalism, inter-group empathy , technology education, democracy education, Research Methods in Social Sciences – the qualitative approach

      Selected Courses

      Integration of the other in the community, society and education seminar
      Lifelong Learning
      Development of training programs
      Culture and multiculturalism
      Research Methods in Social Sciences

    • Freund-Feinstein Uzi

      Dr. Uzi Freund-Feinstein


      Areas of Expertise

      Transportation and Tourism
      Air Transport Management
      Service Quality Management

      Selected Courses

      Aviation Policy and Economy in a Global Era””
      Computer Applications””

    • Ms zohar tsur

      teaching assistant

    • Doctor Itamar Radai

      Adjunct Lecturer

      Areas of Expertise

      Israeli-Arab Conflict, Israel Studies, History of the Palestinians, Middle East Studies.

      Selected Courses

      Tel Aviv-Jaffa Field Course -BA
      The Israeli War of Independence (1948) -MA

    • Professor Nimrod Luz

      Head of Research Authority

      Areas of Expertise

      Cultural Geography
      Geography of Religion
      Anthropology of Religion
      Anthropology of Food
      Sanctity and the Politics of the Sacred
      Cultural Theories
      Islam and the Middle East: Past and Present
      Urbanism and cities of the Middle East

      Selected Courses

      Food for thought
      Palestine under Islamic Rule
      Everyday Materialities in Israel
      Cooking Israeliness
      Islam, Nationalism and the Crisis of Modernity
      Introduction to Religions

    • Doctor Tal Sela


      Areas of Expertise

      Tal Sela, PhD. is an experimental psychologist, a lecturer, and researcher at the Department of Behavioral Sciences, School of Social Sciences and Humanities, Kinneret Academic College, Sea of Galilee, Israel. His main research interests focus on trying to understand the cognitive basis of decision-making processes in general and the role of individual differences in risk-taking behavior.
      Tal is also interested in the interaction between decision-making and language processing and comprehension. Specifically, he is trying to understand how cognitive control regulates idioms’ understanding. His work employs an interdisciplinary approach, which involves advanced behavioral methods and theoretical models from psychology combined with neuroscience techniques such as brain stimulation and Electroencephalography (EEG).

      Areas of expertise: Decision making, Semantic processing, Cognitive control, Brain stimulation

    • Doctor Meyran Boniel-Nissim

      Senior lecturer and researcher

      Areas of Expertise

      educational counseling
      teenagers at risk

      Selected Courses

      eating disorders
      writing therapy
      kids online

    • Mrs Dana Damari

      Educational psychologist

      Areas of Expertise

      Educational Psychology- social skills among children, ADHD.

      psychology of the internet- cyberbullying

      Selected Courses

      Academic writing
      Developmental Psychology


      lecturer in Tourism management and global marketing

      Areas of Expertise

      tourism management
      global marketing
      positioning and branding tourism destinations
      crisis management
      tourism and marketing strategy

      Selected Courses

      introduction to marketing

      tourism marketing

    • Doctor Pedro Zuniga


      Areas of Expertise

      Hotels & Tourism Management

      Selected Courses

      Introduction to Hospitality
      Logistics in Hospitality
      Food Safety

    • Dr. Hila Zaban


      Areas of Expertise

      Urban sociology and anthropology
      Urban transformation, gentrification and urban renewal
      Lifestyle migration
      Second homes

      Selected Courses

      Urban Sociology
      Managing international religious and heritage tourism
      Heritage tourism in the modern era
      Leisure and recreational studies
      Geography of tourism
      Tourism, society, environment

    • Mrs Sara Atenas-Haelion

      Anthropology, Sociology,Qualitative research

      Areas of Expertise

      Anthropology, Sociology,Qualitative research

    • Mr Yoel Shafran

      Clinical Criminology

      Areas of Expertise

      • 2017 to this day – Mental health center “Ma’ale Hacarmel” – writing legal opinions, dangerous assessments, personal and group treatments.
      • 12.11.17 – Professional Certification Ministry of Health – License number: 29-144039.
      • 2016 to date – Expertise in HCR-20v3 for risk assessment.
      • 2015 to date – A certified risk assessor. A process of professional diagnosis aimed at assessing the likelihood that the attacker would injure the victim with a high degree of severity (serious injury, disability or death). This is a therapeutic / diagnostic technique that requires professional skill from the operation.
      • 2015-2017 – Mental Health Center “Mazor” – Legal Department. As part of this work, diagnoses, handles, manages patient files and writes legal opinions on the actual responsibility and is able to stand trial. And also, a therapeutic group in the department.
      • 2015 – “Shaar Menashe Mental Health Center” – Practitioner in the Maximum Security ward .
      • 2014-2015 – “Ha’emek” hospital – a practicist at the mental health clinic at Haemek Hospital in Afula.
      • 2013-2014 – Mental Health Center – Practical experience in the Mental Health Department of the Israel Prison Service.
      • 2013-2014 – “Abarbanel Mental Health Hospital” – practical experience at the Abarbanel Mental Health Hospital in the closed men’s department where I took part in the department’s activities.
      • 2010-2013 – “Cognito” company for effective psychology

    • Doctor Rivka Weiser-Biton

      Areas of Expertise

      Organic synthesis with enzymes and various reagents including organometallic investigation of solvolysis reaction, kinetics, enzymatic catalytic mechanisms.
      Experience with NMR, GC, GC-MS, HPLC, IR and UV.

      Organosilicon Chemistry, Reaction Mechanisms, Enzyme-catalyzed for Organosilicone Compounds, Organic Reactions
      Senior Researcher on: Synthesis of sun-screen materials,
      Fire retardant and antioxidants
      Academic Coaching : Personal Trainer Expert and Group Trainer Expert, “Meamnin” – Institute
      for Personal Training
      Learning Skills for College Lecturers Expert, the International Institute for the Enhancement of
      Learning Potential (ICELP)
      TEACHING EXPERIENCE: General Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Determination of Molecular Structure by Physical Methods.

    • שנפר-כהן מורן

      Dr. Moran Shnapper-Cohen


      Areas of Expertise

      Emotional management
      service organizations
      health organizations

      Selected Courses

      Service Organizations””
      Introduction to statistics A””

    • Doctor Ravit Oren

      Organizational Communication Lecturer

      Areas of Expertise

      Employee’s performance
      Human Resources
      Organizational Communication
      Labor Market

    • Dr. Eman Tarabh


      Areas of Expertise

      Social emotional aspects among adolescents
      Reading disability – dyslexia

      Selected Courses

      Introduction to Education Theory
      Classroom climate management
      Teaching methods and learning skills
      Academic writing
      Education and culture in Arab society
      Social emotional development in the education system
      Emotional and behavioral difficulties of children within the family

    • Dr. Ronen Shay


      Areas of Expertise

      Hotel and Restaurant management

      Selected Courses

      global tourism
      introduction to hospitality
      principles of food and beverage
      wine tourism

    • Doctor Elian Aljadeff-Abergel

      Lecturer, Department of behavioral sciences

      Areas of Expertise

      Dr. Aljadeff-Abergel’s area of interest focus now on the utility of behavioral interventions to promote “green-environmental behaviors”. In the past Elian conducted her research in the area of education, self-management and social skills.

      Selected Courses

      Ethics in behavioral sciences
      Behavioral functional assessment and intervention
      Seminar: Behavioral issues in the area of sustainability and environment

    • Mrs milka oz

      Academic Reading and Writing lecturer and Introduction to Sociology Practitioner

      Areas of Expertise

      Group Instruction
      youth at risk
      Academic Reading and Writing
      Introduction to Sociology

    • Doctor Gitit Bar-On


      Areas of Expertise

      Social marketing, Marketing & Advertising, New media

    • Doctor Haim Hagay


      Areas of Expertise

      sports media
      Culture industries

      Selected Courses

      sports media
      culture industries
      Language and Media
      Academic writing

    • Mr David Mingelgrin


      Areas of Expertise


      Selected Courses

      Touristic Planning

    • Mrs Tagreed Zoabi

      school counsellor and lecturer in Behavioral Sciences

      Areas of Expertise

      Educational Counselling

      Selected Courses

      Teaching Duties at Kinneret College
      1.Issuses In Special Education.
      2. Emotional and social coping of parents Children with learning disabilities.
      3. Systematic and individualized skills in educational counseling

    • מסינגר עוזי

      Accountant UZI MESSINGER

      Partner in a CPA firm, and head of its Economic Division,Lecturer

      Areas of Expertise

      Financial Statement Analysis.
      Financial Accounting, Financial Management.
      Managerial Accounting

      Selected Courses

      Financial Statement Analysis, Financial Management.
      Financial Accounting.

    • Mr Ariel Mayrose

      Lecturer of film, Director, Producer and script writer

      Areas of Expertise

      Director and Producer of films

      Selected Courses

      Introduction to broadcast

    • ישראלי יחזקאל

      Prof. Yechezkel (Hezi) Israeli


      Areas of Expertise

      Tourism planning and development, tourism management, attraction management, transportation planning, the relationship between tourism and transportation for accessibility, tourism surveys.

      Selected Courses

      For BA program:
      Tourism planning and developmment – a seminar
      Management of tourism and recreation systems
      Optimization and decision making process
      For MA program:
      Operation Research applications in tourism
      Managing tourism and transportation in a global environment
      Data analysis and decision making in tourism and hospita;ity
      A final project in tourism strstegic management

    • Mr Rami Zituni


      Areas of Expertise

      Physical Geography

    • מרקוביצקי מתן

      Dr. Matan Markovizky


      Areas of Expertise

      psychology, criminology, sociology, family therapy

      Selected Courses

      ‘- introduction to psychology
      – introduction to criminology
      – social psychology
      – behavioral disorders among youth and teenagers
      – family disorders and interruptions among the education system

    • Dr. Karnit MalkaTiv


      Areas of Expertise

      Education Law
      criminal law
      Real Estate
      Tax offenses

      Selected Courses

      Introduction to Penal Law
      Forensic science in Israel
      Legal aspects of the family and the education system
      Labor and Employment Law

    • Prof. Shaike Marom


      Areas of Expertise

      Management, Organizational Behavior, Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Corporate Social Responsibility

      Selected Courses

      Human Resources Development and Management””
      The Human Factor””

    • תירוש נתן

      Dr. Nathan Tirosh


      Areas of Expertise

      Strategy Management, Entrepreneurship, Marketing, Tourism Development

      Selected Courses

      Strategy Management of HR

    • בלובשטיין עירית

      Doctor Irit Bluvstein


      Areas of Expertise

      post-traumatic growth, well-being in ageing and among patients and health professionals, mindfulness and positive psychology.

      Selected Courses

      The psychology of mindfulness: Theory, research and practice

      The biological foundations of behavior

    • Dr. Yoav Kapshuk

      Head of the Israeli Studies Division in the Multidisciplinary Studies Department

      Areas of Expertise

      Political Science and International Relations
      Conflict resolution
      Peace education
      Transitional justice

      Selected Courses

      Dialogue and partnership between Arab and Jewish communities in Israel
      Socio-political psychology of societies in intractable conflicts
      Identity and citizenship in Israel (seminar)
      Dynamics of conflict and negotiation
      Education as a tool for acceptance and reconciliation in divided societies
    • Mr Moshe Schwartz

      Areas of Expertise

      Media and Communication Policy, Internet Regulation, Public Participation, the Political Economy of Media Institution

      Selected Courses

      Theories and Models of Communication
      The History of Communication systems – Technology, Society and Culture
      Media Institutions
      Israeli Communication and Media Law
      Academic Reading and Writing

    • Haim Frenkel


      Areas of Expertise

      1. The relations between the media and the military in democratic nations.
      2. Journalism ethics.
      3. Theories on media effect.

      Selected Courses

      1. The basics of journalism work.
      2. Journalism ethics.
      3. Theories and models on media effects.
      3. News: Theories and research.
      4. The media institution in Israel.

    • Dr. Bat Katzman

      Head of Education & Family Division, Department of Multi-Disciplinary Studies

      Areas of Expertise

      social support in on-line communication focus on family WhatsApp
      Family exchange of social support
      Social and emotional aspects of learning and teaching

      Selected Courses

      Ideology, Politics, Society and Education policy.
      Group dynamics,
      Ethics and social responsibility in Education/
      Seminar in Moral perceptions in the family, and education.
      Seminar in Community communication.
      Social and emotional development in the education system

    • Doctor Ruth Avidar

      Adjunct Professor

      Areas of Expertise

      Online public relations, marketing communications, new media, dialogue, and the influence of new technologies on customer and patient experience

      Selected Courses

      Advanced Public Relations

      Customer Experience in the Digital Age

    • Dr. Itamar Rickover


      Areas of Expertise

      strategy and national security, terrorism and guerilla warfare, interactions between the military echelon and the political echelon, Gender and Negotiations Style, Strategic Culture

      Selected Courses

      Israel’s foreign and security policy
      Civilian Military Relations in Israel

    • פרופ' אבירם חיים

      Professor Haim Aviram

      Head of Economic Unit

      Areas of Expertise

      Transportation Economics
      Urban Economics

      Selected Courses

      Urban and Regional Economics
      Transportation Economics
      Seminar in Social Economics