Members of the General Assembly

Highlights of the résumés of the members of the NPO – Kinneret College on the Sea of Galilee (in alphabetical order):

*Chair of the General Assembly – Mr. Kalman Kaufman
Mr. Kalman Kaufman has been a member of the NPO since 2007.

He is chair of Invisa and Medasense Biometrics Ltd. He is also a director of Tower Semiconductors and Jordan Valley Semiconductors, and founded a large number of startup companies in the electronics field. In the past he served as vice world president of Applied Materials. He is chair of the Israeli Institute of Innovative Science and Technology Policy, and other NPOs designed to promote education in Israel.

*Chairman of the Board of Directors – Major-General (Retired) Gideon Sheffer
Major-General (Ret.) Gideon Sheffer has vast experience in management positions in various fields and has served as Chairman of the Board at Kinneret Academic College since 2020. He joined Elbit Systems, Ltd., in 2001 where he serves as Corporate Vice President for Strategic Planning. Following a career in the Air Force which included serving as its Chief of Staff, and then as Chief of Human Resources for the General Staff of the IDF, Sheffer was a member of the founding team of the Israel National Security Council. After serving as its Deputy Director, under Prime Minister Ehud Barak, Sheffer served as head of the Council. He is active in promoting peace issues in the region and serves as a member of the Board of Directors of a number of corporations and organizations.

Sheffer was born in Poland in 1948 and made Aliyah in 1950. He is married, the father of four children and grandfather of nine grandchildren. Sheffer holds a bachelor’s degree (with distinction) in Israel Studies from Bar Ilan University and graduated from the Advanced Management Program at Harvard University (1993).

Prof. Stavit Alon-Shalev

Has been a member of the NPO since 2020.

An expert on genetics and pediatrics, and the director of the Genetic Institute of Emek Medical Center, Afula, Israel. Is a clinical professor in the Rapaport Faculty of Medicine, Technion, the Tennenbaum Chair for Preventive Medicine and Head of the Genetic Counseling Program in the Faculty of Medicine. Her main areas of research focuses on discovery of genetic causes and mechanisms of diseases and syndromes with an emphasis on communities who intermarry, policy label and the development of genetic counseling services in the community, especially for the Arab population living in the North of the country.

Ms. Aliza Barkai

Ms. Barkai is chairperson of the Kinneret College finance committee, and has been a member of the NPO since 2017. She is a member of Kibbutz Ashdot Yaakov Ihud, and serves as business manager of Kibbutz Beit-Zera; a director of Sde-Eliyahu Holdings; Blog Plastics; Degania B tourism; and member of Kishurit NPOs.

Mr. Uzi Ben Shalom
Has been a member of the NPO since 2011.

He currently serves as director and council member of a number of public bodies in the Jordan Valley, including the Medical Research Foundation of the Baruch Padeh Medical Center, Poriya, and the Jordan Valley Religious Council, and was general secretary of the United Kibbutz Movement collective head office. He is a former Dean of Students of Kinneret College on the Sea of Galilee.

Mr. Yoram Bilzovski

Has been a member of the NPO since 2018.

Previously the Director of the Ministry of Tourism, Director of the Ministry of Industry and Trade and Investment Center, Director of the Manufacturers Association. An alumni of the College Land of Israel Studies Department. He currently serves as Chairman and Director in social conscious organizations.

Mr. Yisrael Bitner
Has been a member of the NPO since 2011.

He currently serves as finance director of Kibbutz Degania A. He is a past treasurer and CFO of a number of organizations, as well as serving as general secretary of Kibbutz Degania A, and CEO of Jordan Valley kibbutzim.

Prof. Yair Caro

Has been a member of the NPO since 2020.

He is a Professor of Mathematics at the University of Haifa – Oranim. Served as Dean of the University Division at the University of Haifa and in the Senate between 1994-1997. Previously served as President of Oranim Academic College of Education between 1997-2013. Has served on numerous Council of Higher Education and the Ministry of Education committees. Actively engaged in field research for combinatorics and with over 150 scientific publications on the topic. Member of Kibbutz Geva.

Mr. Omer Cohen

Has been a member of the NPO since 2018.

Director of Senior living ” Bayit Bakfar Khof Kineret” Israel’s leading senior living chain. Previously served in the Jordan Valley Regional Council as Director of Tourism and Business Development. He holds a Master’s degree in business administration from the University of Haifa.

Mr. Yoel Cohen
Has been a member of the NPO since 2013.

He is director of the ATID – Reinforcing State Religious School Public Education program, and of the Herut Foundation. Mr. Cohen has a master’s degree in Judaism from the Lander Institute and serves as chairman of a number of bodies, on a voluntary basis, including the Beet Shean Academy for Deepening Jewish Identity, Havruta, Zehut, etc. He lives in Bet Shean.

Adv. Shemi Cohen
Has been a member of the NPO since 2013.

He is currently director general of the Galilee Development Authority. He served as a career soldier in the IDF for many years and was discharged with the rank of colonel. His positions included head of the Megiddo internment facility, commander of the Northern Command Military Police unit, and commanding officer of Training Camp 13. His last position with the IDF was as commander of the Criminal Investigations Unit. He has a master’s degree from the University of Haifa in national security and political science, and is a graduate of the Israel National Defense College. He was born in Bet Shean.

Prof. Yuval Dror
Has been a member of the NPO since 2011.

He is a professor in the Education Administration and Policy Department of the Tel Aviv University. He serves as head of the Master’s degree specialization program in democratic education, is responsible for the Chair of Jewish Education, and edits the inter-university educational history publication Dor Le’Dor (Generation to Generation). He is a member and the chair of various CHE committees, and a member of the community expansion program at Kibbutz Kfar Ruppin in the Bet Shean Valley.

Prof. Shimon Gepstein – President of Kinneret Academic College

Mr. Idan Greenbaum
Member of the NPO since 2016.

Mr. Greenbaum is a resident of Kibbutz Ashdot Yaakov Ihud, and has been head of the Jordan Valley Regional Council since 2016. He has a first degree in Business Administration (from the College of Management) and a second degree with distinction in Political Science (from Tel Aviv University). In the past, he has served as senior editor and presenter of economic issues in many media outlets: TV, internet, printed press, etc.

Mr. Hezi Haruv

Mr. Shimon Helman
Has been a member of the NPO since 2011.

He is chairman of the council of Kibbutz Afikim (general chairman and community head). In the past he has served as manager of Kol HaKinneret radio station for the IBA, spokesman of the United Kibbutz Movement, and for many years was general secretary of Kibbutz Afikim.

Prof. Alon Kaddish
Has been a member of the NPO since 2008.

He is a professor of history at the Hebrew University, with a PhD from Oxford University. He also currently serves as head of the IDF History Department. He established and managed various IDF academic programs.

Brigadier-General (res.) Zvi Kanor

Has been a member of the NPO since 2020.

He is an Air Force Brigadier-General (res.) and after retirement, has ran nine high-tech organizations in the field of marketing and tourism and the Tel-Aviv Yafo Development foundation. An entrepreneur of the Tama 38 project and today is an entrepreneur in the field of Agriculture in Azerbaijan. He holds a Master’s Degree in Business Administration from Bar-Ilan University.

Binyamin Kiryati, Adv.

Was a member of the Management Committee and the General Assembly of Kinneret College in the years 2003-2012, and is currently a member of the General Assembly. Colonel (res.) Kiryati served as a combat navigator in the Israeli Air Force. He was mayor of Tiberias during the years 1998-2003. Has been and is on the board many bodies including the Friends of Poriya Hospital Association, the Air Force House, and others. Established and heads the Children of Israel Foundation. He has first and second degrees in Law (from Tel Aviv University in collaboration with Berkeley University), and has a law firm and an investment company.

Mr. Michael (Miki) Lev – CEO of Kinneret Academic College

Dr. Sari Lev

Agronomist and PhD in Plant Genetics (from the Hebrew University), specializing in mapping of genetic markers of quality and quantity features – ripening control and gene expression. Dr. Lev is joint-CEO and R&D director of Green Fingers Ltd. – an agricultural consulting firm specializing in groves – subtropical, citrus, deciduous and berries; field crops; and greenhouse crops. He is CEO of a fruit tree – avocado, papaya, and blueberries – nursery owned by Green Fingers. Dr. Lev is an expert in fruit care, and serves as a consultant to packing houses and artificial ripening rooms. Chairman and CEO of Kibbutz Kinneret agriculture.

Prof. Shai Lin
Has been a member of the NPO since 2008.

He is a professor at the University of Haifa and also serves as Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Health. He founded and headed the School of Public Health in 2003-7. He is head of the Clinical Epidemiology Unit of Rambam Medical Center. He serves on a number of professional and academic committees in the medical field, both in Israel and abroad.

Dr. Tamar Lotan
Has been a member of the NPO since 2008.

She has a PhD in molecular biology from the Department of Marine Biology of the Leon H. Charney School of Marine Sciences at Haifa University. She also established and managed a startup company in the field of biotechnology.

Dr. Lea Mandelzis

Has been a member of the NPO since 2018.

She currently serves as a Research Fellow at Kinneret Academic College. A member of the board of directors of the “Friends of Education” Association. Editor of the Communication Journal “Media Frames”. Previously, she served as Head of the Department of Communication at Kinneret Academic College and a founding member of the Department of Communication at Sapir Academic College. A member of an international research association on the topic of peace journalism and public diplomacy, a researcher, member of international research organizations and publishes articles.

Adv. Merav Niv
Has been a member of the NPO since 2011.

She is an advocate and notary who specializes in cooperative societies, and she is also chair of the community at Kibbutz Gesher. She is a member of a number of committees and regional boards of directors including a local planning and construction committee, and is chair of the environmental committee and the plenum of the Valley of Springs Regional Council.

Mrs. Ahuva Shachor
Has been a member of the NPO since 2011.

She managed the Tiberias-Tzefat branch of the National Insurance Institute of Israel. She has filled a number of key managerial positions during her 30 years at the National Insurance Institute. She also worked at the national headquarters of the Police-officers Investigations Unit of the Israeli Police. She has a master’s degree in social work from Bar Ilan University specializing in administration and the community. She lives in Shadmot Devora on the Lower Galilee.

Ms. Michal Zoran

Has been a member of the NPO since 2020.

She is Head of International Activity Division in the Kibbutz Industry Association. Serves in executive management positions in industry and in various committee’s in the public sector and in associations. She engages in encouraging collaboration between industry, academia and entrepreneurial communities throughout Israel and international development organizations, to develop and strengthen regional growth. She holds a Master’s Degree in Public Policy and a Bacherlor’s Degree in geology and chemistry and is a guest lecturer at the University of Haifa and the Technion- Institute of Technology on sustainable development and innovation.

Mr. Tal Yeshua
Chairman of The Board – Mishky Emek Hyardem, Chairman and Owner of Travel Hotel Chains
Previously, Chairman of the Board at Amiad Water Systems, Termokir, Asiv and more

Mr. Yaakov Amsalem

Dr. Leah Mendels
Has been a member of the NPO since 2018. Dr. Mendels currently works as a research associate at Kinneret Academic College. A member of the Board of Directors at “Yadid LaChinuch”. Editor-in-Chief in the journal “Media Frames”. Until 2018, she was the Head of Communication Department at Kinneret Academic College and a founders of the Communication Department at Sapir Academic College. A member of international research groups on peace journalism and public diplomacy, researcher, member of international research organizations and publishes articles.

Dr. Ofir Menashe
A member of the NPO since 2022.
A Senior Lecturer Faculty member, in the Department of Water Industry Engineering and Head of Agro-Tech Engineering study track, in the Faculty of Engineering, at Kinneret Academic College. An environmental microbiologist specializing in biological process engineering for water and wastewater treatment and Director of Environmental Biotechnology Research Laboratory.
Dr. Menashe serves as Chief Technology Officer (CTO) and Board Member BioCastle Water Technologies Ltd. and Fishways Ltd. Previously (2012 to 2021) served as head of Water Technology Engineers Program at The Kinneret Technology College.

Mr. Israel Shaked
A member of the NPO since 2019.
CEO and owner of Tolgal Degania Diamonds Industry Ltd. as well as of Success Financial Shaked Consultants Ltd. Engaged in financial consulting and providing innovative financing solutions for businesses. Previously, a lecturer in economics at various academic institutions, including author of a textbook on microeconomics.


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