Page 15 - Kinneret Academic College Amid Covid-19
P. 15

The College during Covid-19-

                     Prominent figures at the college

                                                      Amir Navon

                                                      Head of Department
                                                      Human Resources

                               Decision Making in a Changing Reality

                     The world of decision-making summoned a great “abundance” during
                     Covid-19, an “absolute” decision only made a short time prior became
                     irrelevant a few minutes later, from Washington, D.C. to as far as New
                     Delhi, the crisis affected each and every person all over the world.
                     Worldview will certainly change in the future, risk management will
                     change substantially and decision making methods will become short-
                     term while at the same time minimizing as much damage as possible.
                     Covid-19 is not just a virus, if I may say so, Covid19 is a new worldview
                     that will change  mankind’s  habits, organizations  and countries.
                     Discovering  a  vaccine  quickly  will  not  eliminate  future  skepticism
                     about  the  world  and  how  we  deal  with  various  future  viruses.  It’s
                     important to remember humankind, in all aspects of life, want and
                     pursue permanent certainty, which is the complete opposite of what
                     this period of time is capable of giving each and every one of us all
                     over the world.

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